A booming employment sector

The Moroccan federation of outsourcing of services recently organized a press videoconference during which the results and perspectives of the said institution were presented. This is a rapidly expanding sector considered today, in this period of Covid-19, as a provider of jobs. It is clear, as the FMES points out, that Outsourcing is one of the rare sectors to have shown resilience during the COVID crisis, with the maintenance of its dynamic of job creation, in particular among youth. The figures posted by the sector confirm this dynamic.

Indeed, with a total of 120,000 jobs in Morocco in 2019, Outsourcing is the sector that generates the most jobs in 2020 with more than 10,000 jobs created despite the crisis, not to mention that the sector ranked third in terms of export turnover. Better still, Outsourcing has experienced nearly 1.3 billion dirhams of investment over the past 4 years. A dynamism which means that despite the “aggressive offers” of the competition in terms of price, Morocco maintains its leadership as the first destination of French-speaking Outsourcing with 50% of the market share, as specified by Mr. Youssef Chraïbi, President of the FMES and of the Outsourcia Group (read the three questions).

Business outsourcing
And it is rightly moreover that the FMES is deploying a strategic action plan to accelerate the development of the service outsourcing sector and strengthen Morocco’s positioning as a hub for the outsourcing of high-level jobs. added value. It could not be otherwise when we know that new professions such as KPO have emerged so that Outsourcing can no longer be reduced to vertical services such as CRM, BPO or IT, but now designates a sector. full-fledged which consists in the outsourcing of all high value-added service trades.